11 March 2009

Ye Artist


Barry said...

The texture of this document is exraordinary. Seeing it on a computer screen, nicely scanned, it literally has texture. The way the onionskin paper has been torn by the typewriter it is like a Ga Ga Gazette for the web.

rocketts said...

The CONTENT of this document is extraordinary, upstaged only by the response to the call. So many things are so easy to come by in this world. Letters like this are not. Theatre that pushes the very boundries of its form is even more difficult to come by. "Good" actors are as easy (or difficult) to find as good humans. But Inventors and creators pushing and pulling at one another, reaching further together than they can alone, thats what this letter opens up. It's an invitation to fail, the only way to succeed. "Can you do it in the yard?"

Thank you, Barry, for this letter and for what it did for all of us, what it did for me as an artist. KITUS is still a most miraculous timetable. We did it.
And now our history is shared, old articles and photos hang around our new space. Our process as KITUS and our group work is the basis of our teaching. And Project 104 is still pushing theatre past its limitations.
I wish you all could have seen Amy as Pa Ubu. Like it or not, KITUS is still well alive.

Barry said...

I like it.

I am proud of what we did and what we, through the two of you, continue to do.

By that I mean I am glad that the two of you chose to continue with the kitus name unabashedly. I think it must have been difficult at first. I can only imagine that ending up with all of kitus' stuff because you chose to carry on kitus must have had a heck of a lot of scary pitfalls. I am glad you ran toward what you were afraid of.

Specifically, now I am happy that hard earned evolution is alive and well within our group. I feel emboldened to go forward and seek my personal visions free to associate them, as I will, with all the dreams I and we had before because they all spring from the same well and quench the deepest thirst.

Since we came together I have never be alone, the concept of ancesotors has become a reality and everyone I embrace reminds me to breathe.